Give thanks to the Lord, ca;; on His name; make known among nations what He has done,
Psalm 105 :1
This has been an interesting year for us. So many tribulations; I will not share them all with you, and also so many blessings, many of which I will share.
We have had many babies this year. It is hard for us to praise God for the loss of our grandson, Iain, but we know that God is sovereign, and He knows what is best. So we will praise God for what ever He is doing in the loss, and we thank God for a blessing where we have yet to see one. Caedmon and Iain will have a brother, or sister in April of 2009, and we thank God for that blessing. I had a bad attack with my cellulossis in January and February, I spent almost an entire month in the hospitals, and that was difficult, and the bills were unbelievable. We are almost done paying off the bills, and we are praising God for that. We have had four little people entertaining us since January, Addie, Nehemiah, Nicolae, and Jude have been great blessings and additions to our family. Praising God for them all. And the rest of our already here grandkids have been such a blessing to both Terry and me. Relationships that looked like something for the future, did not happen, and we are sorry, but we know once again, God is in control, and knows best, so we thank Him even when we think things should have gone a different direction. We know God knows best when we do not. And then It broke my heart when Micah and Nicole, Micaiah and Nicolae got in that moving van and little gold car and drove out of the property with almost all their earthly goods. It was so hard on us (especially me) but we know God has great things in store for them, and that He is going to bless them abundantly in Nebraska. I know He is already using their gifts in His ministry in Broken Bow. Then there were some educational changes happening. We don't know why sometimes God turns us around like He does, but sometimes we just need to step back and regroup. That is what some of our children had to do this year. Jobs have changed, educational opportunities have opened and closed, and we had a huge disappointment when the man we did not support was elected to the highest office in the land. But we know God is in control, and God will bless us if we serve Him. So we must just keep on keeping on.
And finally my Dear Ones:
as in Ephesians 1:16; I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.
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