We have pretty much decided on a berm home. I think it is going to resemble a castle in the front. Right now we are staying a a trailer park, and think we might finish Micah and Nicole's basement and move in there until our house is done. Nicole said we have 5 years until they move their kids to the basement. We have a really cool idea in the oven for our house, and it will be practially free to build the outside structure. It will be very economical on heating and cooling, and a very spacious house for all our kids and their kids on holidays. It will even be big enough for all the dil's (Daughter-In-Laws) parents and siblings to join us too!
We have pretty much decided we will first start with sheep, and I have a very diversified mini sheep operation planed.
the following breeds are interesting me at this time:
1. Babydoll Southdown and regular Southdowns
2. St Croix
3. Jacob Sheep
4. Scottish Blackface
5. Mini Cheviot
6. Icelandic
7. Finnsheep
In my next posting I will let you know why these 7 breeds are the ones I am interested in raising.
Right now we have: (Micah has) several breeds of chickens, I picked out the houdens. He has a barred rock, some Road Island Reds, and a few other breeds. I need to get more familiar with them They are laying, and he has built a little mini chicken coupe for them. I will need to get my hens and their rooster separated very soon as they are almost mature enough to need to be separated.
We have the two Shetlands left. (CocoNight died last winter) and we have two Aussies. My little Lillie, and Micah and Micaiah's Little Rella. I hope we can take them to a herding camp this fall and let them get trained. We will need them to protect and herd our little sheep flock.
PRAYER TIME:I pray for all of you, and am praying right now for Kristi and Ken and Carolyn and Joe in Liberia, Africa. Praying God does a mighty work through them, and that they return home safely on Saturday.
Clothes that last.
Today's Treasure
*"I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has
clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a rob...
10 years ago
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