Thursday, May 14, 2015

I love living on my farm.

Thankful for animals, seclusion, peace, miracles.

Saturday, August 02, 2014

Living the AD life.

So this morning, I got up relatively pain free. So I decided to make the beds in the green and burgandy spare bedroom. I couldn't find the right sheets, so went to my room to look, heard my Note beep that I had a message. Sat down and read Facebook for an hour. Terry got up and asked if I had coffee ready. I said I would go put it on, and asked him if he wanted breakfast. He said he did. So I started the coffee, got out the eggs, sausage and leftover potatoes. I started to heat the oil for potatoes and remembered I was going to make beds. So I roamed back to the room, realized several pillows and a couple sets of full sheets needed to be taken to the "flower" or GiGi's room. I headed in there, put the sheets in the closet, realized those two beds needed making and made them. Saw that the brown sheet sets were crumpled in hall closet with several other sets and got both brown sets out. Remembered I had started oil for potatoes. I rushed into kitchen to add potatoes. I then turned the perking coffee on low and headed back to make the beds. I made the first bed, and remembered the potatoes. Went to kitchen and turned potatoes. Went back to fold all the sheets in hall closet, and remembered I was suposedto be cooking breakfast. I heated the leftover sausages, added bread to toaster, cooked two eggs, set table,and called Terry to eat a breakfast that miraculously was cooked to perfection. Now I am sitting here trying to decide if I should have Joshua give me a short swing bob haircut next time he comes down, or if I should just let it grow out and pull up in a bun..... I wonder if I will get that other bed made before our next set of guests arrive??

Sunday, July 06, 2014

I am not home on the farm today. I am in Utah!

We are not home on the farm! Being gone so much is not what I had in mind. I finally got my cow. And now we spend more time away from home than at home. Been fun getting to see the USA. We have been to every state in the lower 48 except Washington, Florida, North Dakota,  Wisconsin,  Maine, and Rhode Island. 
Right now we are in Utahng fun  with Matthew & Chandra's kids while they attend a conference in California. It has been a great week!
M &C should get home this evening. We will start home tomorrow.  We plan to stop by the ranch on our way home.

Friday, October 11, 2013

My Lowline Angus

I got a lowline Angus heifer for my 60th birthday.  Her name is not a favorite.  She is Yoyoe. She unfortunately does not have a good disposition.  And she was bred too young and has a little heifer calf I named Rosemary.  I do not plan to breed her again until fall  2014. So I am hoping to get calves out if her I can make pets of, starting with Rosemary.  I will breed Rosemary in fall of 2015. Hope to get a few more. 

I traded Yoyoe for Dixie.  Dixie had and lost a bull calf I
in April. Sent her to get bred, and she will be coming back home July 12. 

Friday, August 03, 2012

The Babydoll Southdowns

The grandchildren showed some of the sheep at the Dallas County Fair 
this summer, and they did an excellent job their first time showing! 
Our Farm got the Supreme Pair of the show, beating out all other breeds 
with Noah's yearling Ewe, Carlyn and our ewe lamb, Dorene 
Jude age 4 was the Champion PeeWee Showman. 
Grace got first place showing our little ewe lamb, Dorene. 
Issac got first place with his aged ewe, Aileen. 
Jude got fist place with Noah's yearling ewe, Carlyn. 
Isaac's yearling ewe, Una was second place, 
and Grace got third in the yearling class with Duffy. 
Grace and Isaac got blue ribbons in showmanship. 
Best of all I think we all had a great time at 
The Dallas County Missouri Fair!
Here are a few pictures of the day.

THE LT Livestock Sheep

Friday, July 13, 2012

Chickens come to the farm!

So we got our chickens this week!
My Barred Rocks are finally here.
11 pullets and one rooster.
They are a little worse for wear.
The man we got them from had
not separated the pullets from the roosters.
Hopefully we will have some pretty feathers in a couple weeks.
This is our new rooster.
 We are having a contest to name him on Facebook.

Here are a few of the flock.


No eggs yet, but they are pretty young.
I do not know very much about poultry, but my chickens are really pretty.
 I love how the tail feathers (on the ones who still have them) stand straight up in the air.
The poor little rooster does not even have all his tail feathers.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

It is so nice to be Home On The Farm!!!

Just loving living back on the farm near Louisburg, Missouri!

God is so gracious and He is working in our lives.

Some family and friends have pitched in and done some work fencing and cleaning stalls along the way.

We now have

some Babydoll Southdown sheep,

Holsien calves,

Australian Shepherd dogs,

Bobtailed cats and

a little Welsh Mountain Pony.

We will be getting

some Barred Rock hens

and Guenea Hens this spring,

along with a few Peafowl

We hope to increase our bovine, ovine
and equine "divisions" in the near future with


Mini horses and ponies and

some Icelandic sheep ...

More pictures in my next blog!


Kristi Growing Up

Joshua Growing Up